domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015

Titus Disco

Titus is an outdoor nightclub tastefully decorated with 2 atmospheres and music. Instead of being situated in a closed local, it is situated in a carpe. Even if it is an outdoor disco it offers comfort and it is very glamorous. Inside it is decorated elegantly with woods, bamboo and a special luminance effect that gives the disco an amazing look. Moreover, Titus Carpa is opened all year and parties are thrown there during all year.
It is opened on Friday and Saturday, between 23:45 and 6:00.

As we said before, there are two atmospheres. The central carpe is the one situated outdoors and with different kinds music. The other carpe, the little one, offers electronic music such as house, dance, etc. There are tables where people can have something.

It is often crowded. People can enjoy this disco if they are more than 21 years old.

How to get there?

It is located between Badalona and Montgat (just in front of the beach). The address is: Carretera de Mataró, Km. 629, C.P. 08911, Badalona, Barcelona.

You can get there by:

Train - RENFE R1 - Estació Montgat
BUS – Daily: Tubsal Nº 22,29,30,31 and N9 at night

If you want more information click HERE.

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