domingo, 19 de julio de 2015


Sant Joan’ is one of the most expected and long-awaited days of the year. We celebrate the arrival of the summer (two days after though) on the 23rd of June, the shortest night of the year. The party last until the next day, the 24th.
Sant Joan is one of Barcelona's biggest parties and the noisiest and possibly the craziest. It's a night of Fireworks, Coca cakes and Cava, but not of sleep. During this night we join into an open-air dance (in catalan called ‘revetlla’) with all our relatives and friends.
Sant Joan events in Barcelona are organised locally by the districts and civic centres of Barcelona and people just celebrate the evening with dinners, parties, firecrackers and bonfires all over Catalonia. The biggest central gathering on the Nit de Sant Joan is on the beaches of Barcelona, which attract crowds of around 75.000 people.
And to make it a perfect night, you shouldn’t miss the traditional ‘coca’ of Sant Joan.


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